World Women’s Conference Day - Cabella July 2007

The Sahaja Yoga festival week between guru puja and Krishna puja 2007 opened on Monday july 30th with the gathering of the yoginis for the world’s women conference day.

Throughout the day, experiences could be exchanged on various topics, in a simple, natural and jolly mood. Prior to any contributions, Mother’s talk on the occasion of woman’s day in China read to the audience. Then, some ladies took in turn to address, first on the principle of womanhood as a wife and a mother, then followed by the need of solidarity and sisterhood, and finally on the impact of the yoginis in the professional field. More than theoretical, these contributions included various practical experiences with and without the physical presence of Shri Mataji.

Later on in the morning, Gisela from Austria gave a substantial description of the running of the “destitute women’s house” in Delhi she is in charge of. She emphasized on the physical and financial help she needs from the West and it appeared to all of us that we cannot be oblivious of the fact that such an enormous and difficult task cannot be left to the responsibility of a sole yogini. This is why Anand (Shri Mataji’s grandson) was the only male figure who intervened very determined and strongly positive on this very subject right at the beginning of the conference day before any other subject could be developed. Gisela also melted our hearts by sharing with us some experiences showing how little children respond so well to her love. For those who wish to spend some time to help her in Delhi or support the centre with donations.

In the afternoon, other ladies delighted us in describing their Sahaj work in schools where children get self-realisation, in countries such as Italy, Colombia and Holland. It was very inspiring and encouraging for all of us whose countries are not yet ripe for that. But no doubt time will come for all of us, now that the collective attention has been triggered by this pioneering work.

Then as mothers, we could not miss the subject of Sahaj education for our children. Again some experiences were shared on the necessity to create opportunities for our youngsters to get together as well as parents to support each other for this collective responsibility. Along with this, some elder yuva shakti boys and girls were invited to present the ladies the results of their Sahaj education.

The exchange fell then on the role of elderly women in sahaja Yoga. It was strongly and positively reminded that ladies of “a certain age” should not be left aside and should stand up because they still can offer a lot in terms of Sahaj action and support to the younger generations since they have gone through all the various stages of life and are now likely to provide us with their skills and wisdom. There is space for everyone in our big family from chidren to grandparents.

The conference ended up with an experience from America showing the impact of yogis on the politics of the country, relating the power of our attention and our silent work.

The credit of this beautiful day goes to Purna Vertunni and Christina Bruce who took the initiative to organize this event. In a very spontaneous and affectionate way, yet softly disciplined, she managed to protect the collective attention from external disturbances so as to create a very deep, peaceful and joyful atmosphere between hundreds of ladies bound together in Mother’s web of love.

This first Sahaj festival 2007 held in Cabella definitely seals the first stone of the new “world foundation” and is a promise of many more similar celebrations to come in the future. Each day of the week brought its amount of spiritual nourishment through the various proposed topics; and we can but support the Italian collectivity to facilitate this big task of meeting and sharing experiences coming from all over the world.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hi Everyone,
Let me get the ball rolling by telling you that I have recieved lots of queries about how to use the blog. Well all you have to do is click the comment box after every new post and write away. Try it!


Purna Giovannangeli said...


Anonymous said...

....OK here goes. Hi!

Anonymous said...

I'm very grateful for this wonderful news

Unknown said...

Dear sisters,
This is so beautiful and inspiring. I remember when Shri Mataji gave Her speech on the panel at the UN Women's conference in Beijing in 1995, and a few of us sahaj sisters living in Barcelona Spain went to an international women's organization in the city to try to give realization. They were so receptive. There were women from all over who spoke many languages, and we were able to have weekly meetings for about 2 years. It is really special to be with women, and they all appreciated receiving their realization and learning about their true Selves, and how to cope with daily life issues through meditation. It was different, because we didn't really do formal structured SY programs, but meditated informally and talked about whatever isues came up, related to children, aging parents, or whatever. We also often had breakfast, lunch, or a coffee together afterwards (or before), since it was in the mornings. I remember that as a very special time sharing our Mother's Love with and among women, and it is so good that this website for women in Sahaja Yoga has begun. Thank you!
Jai Shri Mataji!
Love from your sister Christina

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
Just to say that I am very glad that we have had this conference and also am happy to see all this attention towardswomen and childeren in the wolrd. I myself work in an organisation which supports womne and childeren who are at risk or are suffereing from domestic violence.Though I come from India where women and the roles of women are different it is interesting to see the differences and similariies of women all over the world. Unfortunately the treatment of women is not very respectable. Sometimes my heart is sad to hear all that I hear on a day to day basis. Especially when I have experienced the same. But then now working in this feild with I believe only Divine intervention I feel I am able to be a channel of vibrations,It's like being employed by Sri Mataji and not by Womne's Aid. Many many women and childeren have got their realization since I got this job. Sometimes my Clients who are introduced to Sahaja Yoga during a support visit come back to meditate. Just recenetly Last week another yogini and I did a music and meditatio workshop in the office for the women.Women are so impotrant in the building of society. If women understand their power and respect themselves and are also respected by others, this world will change. In this part of the world and in this minute part of the entire Universe for as long as Our Mother Desires my and my whole sahaj family's services are available.It is a pleasure to be doing something that may in a tiny way please Our Mother!!
With all my love,
Your sister
Jai Sri Mataji

Anonymous said...

what are we waiting for? lets get on with the work!!

this blog bring about great ideas and most importantly: encouragement!
just that a bit of push we all need..

with all the illusions of daily lives, sometimes we can really forget the power and strength we have when we are together (even if we are in different parts of the world, this place is a great place to start!)

Unknown said...

Dear sisters and brothers,
This Sahaj movement of our collective desire and attention to fight this horrendous violence against women and children in Congo is so powerful, and yes I agree, unfortunately this violence is happening all over the world in many forms. It destroys women, children, and the family.
Please add the issue of domestic violence and abuse to your havans. We just organized a candlelight vigil for victims of domestic violence and their survivors in our region, along with speakers to raise awareness of this hidden cruelty. Domestic violence and abuse is so pervasive in every country, and victims, mostly women and children, are affected for their whole lives. By putting our enlightened attention on these issues of violence against women (and families) and going out into our communities or to the newspapers to expose it, I’m sure that our Mother’s Love will spread so much faster and change will come to help so many.
Jai Shri Mataji!
Love from your sister,

October 26, 2007 6:04 AM

Anonymous said...

Dear sisters, since we are colectivly doing Havans and Pujas,in Argentina, south américa, many atrocities to children have been exposed. This weekend we did a Shoebeat, and a Mahakali Puja.
We always have the attention to work collectivly the second sunday of the month...

In these last months many yoguinis went to the national congress of women, and like 1000 women had their realization,also a group of yoguis did a Music of Joy .

Yoguinis sent a letter to the new women president in Argentina.
Also they will have a meeting with a group of Mothers that represents the 30.000 desapeard people during the non democratic military process governed our country. For all these we apreciate if you pu your attention, with a bandhan.
All our love!!! your sisters from